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Project: Locus
Class: GroupInsPane
This is the ispector pane for Groups. It is divided into two parts: the top half is general settings for the group, while the bottom half is divided into three separate categories of settings for the group, each displayed in their own sub-pane.
Original Author: Jeremy Slade
Revision History:
V.101 JGS Mon Feb 8 22:07:12 GMT-0700 1993
#ifndef GroupInsPane_h
#define GroupInsPane_h
#define GroupInsPane_VERSION (101)
#import "InspectorPane.h"
@interface GroupInsPane : InspectorPane
// General Group stuff
id nameField;
id keyField;
id pathField;
id sortSwitch;
id choosePathButton;
id drawModeMenu; // PopUpList for chossing draw mode
id drawModeCover; // Cover button for drawModeMenu
id subModeMenu; // PopUpList for choosing sub-mode
id subModeCover; // Cover button for subModeMenu
id swapView; // SwapView for sub-mode panes
int subMode;
// Display Options sub-mode
id displayOptsPane;
id dispOptFormatCover; // Cover button for path format menu